Monday, July 31, 2006

the lover's game

'the lover's game' is the title of the one of the dances im doing for the school musical.

anyway, i read shing's blog just like 3 seconds ago... and read this bit about how she wants to go to tioman with ivan (i would so kill to go to a place like tt with hanafi, alone), but he will only take her if she loses her tummy or something like tt. well. dear ivan, all i have to say it that you are losing major brownie points from shing's dear friend Lynn. shing, can u imagine what he would say to his wife after 12 hours of gruelling labour? "OMG! LOOK AT UR STRECHMARKS! SO NOT GOING TO BED WITH U UNTILL U DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"

i also read weilong's blog n found that that 20 people thing is pretty cool so id do it too.

1. wei long
2. hanafi
3. xiuhui
4. jo
5. shing
6. den
7. man
8. yy
9. sarah

10. sam
11. sitian
12. trixia
13. qi min
14. rachel
15. nick
16. nic
17. al
18. fang yi
19. brendan
20. ivan (shing's)

how u met 14: rachel. well, rach is in my bio and eng class n we got closer through the musical.
what would you do if u never met 1.: wei long. ohno! tt would be bad! he's such a great guy, definately one of my closest guy friends.. although he describes me as a regret in his life. i dont really wanna be seen as a regret in someone's life but hey, id b missing out if i didnt meet him.
what if 9 and 20 dated?: OMG. sarah and ivan! pure coincidence i swear! lol! well, for one, there would be one very evil pontianak called Shing, who would haunt her ex-besty. for two, sarah and ivan would be the funniest thing ever. for three, there would be a very free new man called chee mun. (or was it chee man?)
would 6 and 17 make a good couple?: al and den? assuming they were both den would probably hate al since al would annoy the shit outta her.
describe 3: xiuhui. well xiuxiu is my bestest friend, for me to call in the middle of the night n cry or whine. if i was a guy id definately date her. slighty eccentric, full of fun and laughter, makin a joke of my family's breakdown, doesnt take life too seriously, always saving money to spend it, holding out for mr jap-right, always thinking of new ways to cut her hair.
is 8 attractive?: yenyu. hmmm.. he was #8 for weilong's thing too. anyway. dear yy has a face and heart that definately is favourable for attracting the opposite sex. however, true friends would tell him there is room for imporvement in the 'art of seduction' area.

describe 7.: man. Mandric Tan is a joker, great immiatator of all the people he hates (think vilau), very inclined to the field of music, great friend, great company. although sometimes people think he's 'kaobei' but i dont really mind. in fact, that's probably his version of my bitchiness. loves mandric.
do u noe 12's family members?: trixia. no.
what would you do if 18 confesses she/he likes u? fangyi! lol!'d b a good laugh, and very awkward.
what language does 15 speak? nick. english, maybe abit of italian since that's his background. but i think he does spanish at sch.
who is 14 going out with?: rachel is going out with lachy hausser.
how old is 16?nic is 16.
when was the last time u spoke to 13?: qimin. lightyears ago.
who is 2's fav band/singer?: hanafi. he has lots, no specific one.
would u ever date 4? jo. if i was a guy, yes.
is 13 single? qimin? who knows?
is 19 your good friend? brendan? we're okay.
what is 10's last name? sam. rowe.
would you be in a rship with 11?, she's such a sweet girl but if i was a guy/lesbian, not really my type.
school of 3? xiuhui. republic poly
6's address: jo.jurong east, opp the school. or sth
fav thing about 5?: she never says anything bad about anyone.
ever seen 2 naked before?:hanafi. yes, actually.

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