Saturday, April 01, 2006

radius; radii. stimulus;stimuli. mucous; mucai

Here are some of my school rules:

Girls in Senior school are allowed to wear light and natural make up.
Girls are not allowed to wear diamond/pearl studs (which seems to be very popular in my school).
Boys in Middle and Senior school are allowed one stud per lobe.
Boys' hair should be off the collar in length. Sideburns should not exceed the bottom of the ear. Hair radius must not be more than 5 cm (a lot of guys have afros and really curly hair)

In CSS, the official sideburn length was half the ear but there were guys trying to get away with sideburns right to their lobes. So you can imagine that since the official length here is the lobe, some guys have sideburns to their jaw or more. Personally I'm thrilled because I'm a fan of sideburns (on guys that is- and not the Elvis kind either).

I used to dance 4 times a week, ride once and have tuition twice. Now I dance twice a week and ride once. It's only recently that I resumed my activities since I stopped dancing for O's and it took awhile to find a riding and ballet school. Now that I've done that im so glad to be back in my dance shoes. Of course I don't have tuition anymore ever since I moved here and became a genius.

Last night a voted on the Channel Nine news website supporting the permission of marriage of gays. Gays/lesbians should be allowed to unite in holy matrimony. BUT, I don't think they should be allowed to adopt children simply because no child should have to experience possible discrimination he/she doesn’t even understand and it would be depriving the child of a normal, ideal family.

OMG this is sooooo scary!. My mum and dad had a fight over the phone (my mum being in aussieland and my dad being in sg) about what im not too sure, but get this- the way she spoke to my dad when they were fighting was Exactly the way I speak to hanafi when we fight! When I was overhearing the covo I seriously freaked out cos im hearing what I sound like..except its my mum! How weird was that?!

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