Monday, April 17, 2006

this easter, god gave me eyebrows

I've been inspired by my dear friend shing's courage to tell the world about her piles. So I'll tell you now that I have ringworm on my back the size of a 50-cent coin. Its getting much better now and thank god it wont leave scar. Which reminds of the time xh fell down and was so disturbed that her scab would leave a scar…

Oh yes! Let me update you on how my eyebrow dying went… if uve seen me often enough you'd realise that I don’t have eyebrows.. or rather they cant be seen from 1 metre away.. or you might have heard me whining about my eyebrows or rather, the lack thereof. Anyway.. I bought this eyebrow dye kit and dyed my eyebrows a darker shade so that they can be seen. My mum helped my apply the dye and now that its successful, she calls my eyebrows her 'masterpiece'

Moving into my brand new home has been delayed cos the when the stupid builder said it'll be ready by the 20th, he didn’t include easter and anzac holidays on which the workers don’t work.. so it has been pushed back to end of the month.

My toilet is looking really good.. although at first when it wasn’t done up completely it looked so bad I wanted to cry.. why does it have to be my toilet?? ..when it could have been my bro's or parent's. my toilet is white, black and red.. im gonna have a steamer/massager mum has a spa in her ginormous toilet.. its almost as big as her room which is quite sad.. another cool feature we're having is a heated towel rack. Like the rack you hang your towel on is now electrically heated so that in winter we can wrap ourselves in a warm towel when we come out of the shower.

Yesterday I went tv shopping with my mum at Harvey Norman. O did I tell you that my dad bought me a flatscreen? As in to put in my room. N im so fucking excited cos ive never had a tv in my room before and since im in koalaland I can actually watch the Rated shows at night w/o any having to switch the channel when my parents come into the room..n pretending im not incredibly aroused at that point of time…

My sis n dad are coming next sat so im excited about that too..

Ive been annoying my mum about hanafi over the last few days, it cracks me up so badly everytime. knowing how much she just adoooores hanafi….i'll always say random things about hanafi and she'll getting really agitated she'll keep quiet suddenly and frown.. after a few moments..:' forget about him la… pleeease.. move on la..'
Whenever she nags at me to clean up my room, I'll just chant :" MA-LAY, MA-LAY, MA-LAY!!!' and she'll get so pissed off and walk outta my room and stop bothering me to clean my room.. sometimes I just use it to tease her cos its funny to see her get so upset over sth so small..

Some girls have a thing for skaters, surfers, nerds, musicians, breakers, jocks, bad boys, etc etc..

I have a thing for hot guys who wear spectacles (does not apply to chinese). Dun look at me funny! At least im not into scat.
I also have a thing for hot older guys (25-35 or so) to carry a baby/toddler.. awwww! Doesn’t it just warm ur heart?
If I see a hot older guy carrying a baby AND wearing specs I'll turn into lobster bisque.

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