Monday, February 27, 2006

a virgin experience

on thurs i went to take the theory driving test and passed! wohoo! i look crap in my driver's lisence.
on sunday i had very first experience driving. i must say.. there wasnt a climax and no, it wasnt a painful experience, the whole thing was very exciting and stressful at the same time. i went to some business centre aft working hrs so tt was kinda deserted where i drove ard for bt 40 mins, reversing and trying to park into a lot and doing humps... haha...i must say, i'd rather ride a horse than drive a car at this point of my learning to drive.

my break up with * is going well. slowly but surely. tts the way we want it. we definately remain best friends.

i received a phone call from a dear friend joshua all the way from sydney. and he seems to b getting along fine, like me, starting to drive soon, just to let u guys noe, in case u wanted to find out how he's going.

i had a biology test today and it was hard. tt was really weird cos hard academic tests and australia just dont go.

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