Wednesday, March 01, 2006

since child abuse was legal

i had a debate with my mum about whether child abuse (parents canning/ slapping their children to discipline them) is legal.
mum: john (the architect of my new hse) asked me if in Singapore, parents are allowed to cane/ slap their children.
me: what did u say?
mum: yes, of course!
me: ( very shocked) OH MY GOD! its soooo not!
mum: it is.
me: its just cos EVERYbody does it anyway thats why u think its okay n its legal when in fact it is not.
mum: it is. if the child can be disciplined by just scolding, thats good. but most of the time, they wont listen.
me: exactly! CHILD. this word gives children the right to not know right from wrong. they're only children.
mum: no. some of them r v rebellious and u have to slap them
me: (i start to defend myself now bcos i know my mum thinks tt im v rebellious and has wanted to slap me before) alot of kids who have never been abused turn up just fine. it how their brought up and taught.tts why u cant lay hands on a child in sch bcos it's in the public eye but it occurs in domestic homes cos no one reports the parents! if i reported u, u'd b in jail by now.
mum: its cos the kids at the school arent the children of the teachers but if the child is urs, the child is yours to discipline.

since when was child abuse legal? since child abuse was legal.


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