Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i was bitching with jo, and our hot topic for the day was our arch enemy *****. im too chicken to name. bitching abt ***** was not enough so we started attacking *****'s friend as well. and the friend, name mandy, claims she's a dancer... like... on her blog n friendster. like me basically.
the only diff is...
i actually do dance. now im not sure the extent of her dancing, but this really got me thinking. for all those girls who go clubbing and dance on the dance floor, and dance in front of the mirror at home with the radio -even if u dance well- ur not entitled to call urself a 'dancer'...
i dont exactly noe the criteria in order for one to call themselves a dancer.. but please, dont insult the art/sport by calling yourself a dancer when all you do is copy pussycat's 'buttons' vid. eg just hiphop or just ballet) doesnt qualify u as a 'dancer'. ur a 'dancer' when u can pull off every dance type. (thats me) however, u are allowed to say eg "yes i dance ballet/ i dance hiphop"
as i said i dunno the exact criteria for calling yourself a 'dancer', but i i think dancing ballet consistently for a decade, n takin 5classes a week and being able to pull of any dance type with the exception of capoera and breakdance qualifies me.

its just because with all the hype about dancing like STEP UP and Take the lead.. and all those celebrity dance comps.. everyone wants to claim they're a dancer. ur not! people like me have been working their asses off their entire lives to call themselves dancers and they dont do it just for the title.. u cant just take up ballroom classes one day say ur a dancer! n i noe u just want the 'feel good' of telling ppl "yeah.. im a dancer" cos i do that too, but unlike you, its true.

thats leaves mandy outta my criteria

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