Tuesday, September 19, 2006

all the things we hide from


i write this in response to Shing's (sorry but i just cant bring myself to call you ally) entry in which she exposes the intricacies of love & marriage.

first of all, i do not understand why some women think that once they get married, it is acceptible that they 'let go'. ladies, im sure you know what i mean, but for the benefit of guys, 'letting go' includes, no longer bothering to shave, apply make up, smell good, keep in good shape, et cetera et cetera (btw, my chinese teacher says et ceterika). basically to not upkeep your image and in general, look good.
take a look at example A:
lady A married 2 years ago and recently gave birth to a healthy baby. she and her husband are thrilled. amidst all the hustle and bustle of first-time motherhood, lady A has failed to regain her prenatal figure after a year. (gasps!) her sex drive has also toned down, most likely due to nursing and caring for her child. as the months pass, she gets sucked into the vicious cycle of motherhood and has traded her manolo blahnik stilettos for Bata walking shoes. her perfume, for powder; her leather minis for beige pencil skirts, and oh! only washes her hair on alternate days now, and shaves for special occasions.
the funny thing is, lady A can turn around, aghast, and say: "OHMY LORD, I THINK LARRY'S CHEATING ON ME!" damn straight he is.
ladies, if anything, learn from Gabrielle Solis. Samantha Jones if you're unmarried.
and think of this, if Carlos can cheat on Gabby with some drab cheena, WHAT CHANCE DO WE MERE MORTALS HAVE?

and that old adage that a way to a man's heart is through is stomach? whoever invented that needs to seriously reconsider the male species.
my mother tells me: you better learn to cook cos ur husband will want that". and i go "puhlease, in this day and age? i dun think it really matters anymore'. she goes "hah! that's what you THINK!wait till u find a husband!". now, considering the first time i skinned an apple was when i was 15, and that by the time i was done the apple had turned yellow, i totally disagree.

HELLO!? when your husband cheats on you, you dont go "come! i cook char kuay teow! you dont go to geylang anymore k?. and u dont use that as a strategy to keep him home!!
what do you do? YOU SPICE UP THE SEX LIFE! sheesh.

on ageing: i already hate growing old. and the fact that i dont want to admit im turning a grave 17 by xmas also proves im ageing prematurely. i should, by rights, by jumping for joy. or at least looking forward to my bday. i dread the horrors of marriage and motherhood.

on ageing in marriage: yes, as much as i encourage all women to be more like Gabrielle, we all, one day- including the very ms Longoria- will age. and there will come a day when we have to stand upside down for our boobs to look good. but the key phrase here is to age gracefully. and im not saying that even when we're 40 we should try squeezing ourselfs into a mini, but keeping up appearances includes dressing your age.
and of course, you cant always 24/7 be in a sexy thong at home. and chances are, ur husband will get bored of you overdoing the make up and sex-turned-slut appeal. there definately is a something about seeing your wife in scruby pj's, makeupless , hair in wild disarray.

...man.. i have a future in marriage counselling.

point is: you cant get married and then naturally expect and assume your husband is gonna stay faithful. you cant do everything wrong and say 'but you made a vow to me' . you have to take an active role in making ur marriage work -which hardly ever happens.

and for GODS SAKE! i fucking cant stand Unfaithful by Rihanna.

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