Saturday, April 22, 2006

handicapped by my mascara

My week has been short but unbelievably busy. I returned to sch on Wednesday after a long easter break. I had a 2000 essay due on thurs and an economics test on fri. on wed night I volunteered to help out at the info desk for debating night and help to do timing in the debate. That was cool and I went home at 9 plus so that means I couldn’t complete my essay ( which amounted to 3500 words by the time I did). Thursday I had ballet after sch which means I either study for my test on fri or try to complete my essay. I didn’t do either and went to slp. I woke up early fri morn in attempt to study my test. So anyway the test was so so.. I didn’t really noe how to draw the graph for the 'function of price' question but oh well. My friend asked me to go down to the city with her aft fri to shop for shoes but I decline cos I just wanted to hurry home to complete my essay. And then at lunch on fri, my dance teacher goes to me:' lynn can you come after sch from 4- 7pm cos there's a ballet part I want you to dance in the senior sch musical'. 'ok!' was wat I said. So I was there from 4 –6, then the theatre instructor said dance was going to carry on through the night. So I came home for dinner (since my mum alr cooked) and went back to sch at 7 30.

So back to debating night on Wednesday, I was at the info counter when my eng teacher, ms taylor, who's co-in-charge of debate came to me and saw me doing my eng essay. "I'm trying to do ur work! Dun worry, I'm towards the end", I said. "oh! You should get an extension for being here tonight!" was her reply. No if you thought that was nice….five minutes later she comes up to me and my friend at the info desk and goes " do you guys wanna come up to the staff room for coffee and biscuits? No? oh! I'll bring some for you down here!" 'ok!', I said. "wat would you like? Cream? No cream? Sugar? One? Two?'' – how nice was that? Compared to sg teachers! I almost teared.

And on fri, I saw ms taylor at sch again, and I was like 'I promise I'll send it (the essay im overdue) to you soon!' cos I felt so bad she was so nice to me but im procrastinating her work. And she said " oh dun worry! Just whenever ur ready!… I wont b able to finish marking all of them at once anyway" how nice! WHENEVER UR READY. Which made me feel worse. I was gonna do it on fri aft sch but dance thing came up so I did in on sat morning and sent it to her with an apology.

So anyway, debating was fun but stressful cos I had to time each speaker and present the debate saying :'gd evening ladies and gents welcome to tonights debate. The topic for tonight is blah blah and the affirmative team is Wesley college. The negative team is blah blah' and I had to knock the desk when each speaker reached 6 mins and knock twice at 8 mins.

My sis came from sg today and im v happy to have her here. She liked the house, it was her first time seeing it. We went for a huge Korean dinner which was really yummy but I was so full.

oh yes. i lost my lancome mascara n i feel seriously handicapped and disadvantaged!

Monday, April 17, 2006

the mrt spoilt me

Im meeting a friend in melb city tmr and I just KNOW im gonna get lost. Melb transport system is seriously primitive its not funny.

Don’t ask how my ringworm is.

Ten commandments and passion of Christ was on tv yesterday since it was easter sunday. Im pulling my out just listening to so much godly.. stuff..

The tilers tiling my driveway are brothers. Very cute Lebanese brothers. I found myself perving down one of the brother's shirt for a better glimpse. Have I told you how hanafi is SUPER understanding?

this easter, god gave me eyebrows

I've been inspired by my dear friend shing's courage to tell the world about her piles. So I'll tell you now that I have ringworm on my back the size of a 50-cent coin. Its getting much better now and thank god it wont leave scar. Which reminds of the time xh fell down and was so disturbed that her scab would leave a scar…

Oh yes! Let me update you on how my eyebrow dying went… if uve seen me often enough you'd realise that I don’t have eyebrows.. or rather they cant be seen from 1 metre away.. or you might have heard me whining about my eyebrows or rather, the lack thereof. Anyway.. I bought this eyebrow dye kit and dyed my eyebrows a darker shade so that they can be seen. My mum helped my apply the dye and now that its successful, she calls my eyebrows her 'masterpiece'

Moving into my brand new home has been delayed cos the when the stupid builder said it'll be ready by the 20th, he didn’t include easter and anzac holidays on which the workers don’t work.. so it has been pushed back to end of the month.

My toilet is looking really good.. although at first when it wasn’t done up completely it looked so bad I wanted to cry.. why does it have to be my toilet?? ..when it could have been my bro's or parent's. my toilet is white, black and red.. im gonna have a steamer/massager mum has a spa in her ginormous toilet.. its almost as big as her room which is quite sad.. another cool feature we're having is a heated towel rack. Like the rack you hang your towel on is now electrically heated so that in winter we can wrap ourselves in a warm towel when we come out of the shower.

Yesterday I went tv shopping with my mum at Harvey Norman. O did I tell you that my dad bought me a flatscreen? As in to put in my room. N im so fucking excited cos ive never had a tv in my room before and since im in koalaland I can actually watch the Rated shows at night w/o any having to switch the channel when my parents come into the room..n pretending im not incredibly aroused at that point of time…

My sis n dad are coming next sat so im excited about that too..

Ive been annoying my mum about hanafi over the last few days, it cracks me up so badly everytime. knowing how much she just adoooores hanafi….i'll always say random things about hanafi and she'll getting really agitated she'll keep quiet suddenly and frown.. after a few moments..:' forget about him la… pleeease.. move on la..'
Whenever she nags at me to clean up my room, I'll just chant :" MA-LAY, MA-LAY, MA-LAY!!!' and she'll get so pissed off and walk outta my room and stop bothering me to clean my room.. sometimes I just use it to tease her cos its funny to see her get so upset over sth so small..

Some girls have a thing for skaters, surfers, nerds, musicians, breakers, jocks, bad boys, etc etc..

I have a thing for hot guys who wear spectacles (does not apply to chinese). Dun look at me funny! At least im not into scat.
I also have a thing for hot older guys (25-35 or so) to carry a baby/toddler.. awwww! Doesn’t it just warm ur heart?
If I see a hot older guy carrying a baby AND wearing specs I'll turn into lobster bisque.

Friday, April 07, 2006

are u sco ish?

As part of school syllabus curriculum, Im required to do 50 hrs of sport, 50hrs of service( to the community) and 50 hrs of creativity, over a span of 2 yrs. Im presently doing sch dance and ballet for creativity and horse riding for sport. For service, I'm attached to my sch's junior school (reminder: my sch's from kindergarten to jc2) to help them with art class during my spare periods. So anyway I went down to junior school today and it was awesome! They were grade 2's were totally in awe of us, ( I went down with eddie and elle) and it was cool cos we were all wearing purple but very different cos our age gap is pretty wide. And I started to bask in the kids' innocence.
Their art thing was on the theme 'Walkabilty in Monash' (monash being cos our municipality). They were supposed to draw ppl walking, promoting a healthy lifestyle and stuff…so this boy was drawing a sun and said to me…

'the sun is a boy cos its hot and the pond is a girl cos its cool'

how cuuuute was that? Obviously the boy has very cleverly observed that boys tend to be more rough and playful whereas girls were more genteel and soft…

this girl asked me when we were next coming back to help them in art class. I was like " I come fortnightly, so its not next Friday, its next next Friday' another boy asked when he heard me, " but isn’t that lucky Friday?"

"you mean Good Friday? ( good Friday is a public holiday here)
"yes. Its lucky Friday cos we don’t have to go to school'

how adorable! Omg.. and he actually rmbed the day we have a public holiday! How cute!

Another boy was like " James ( his friend) says boys are better than girls. I didn’t say that, he did. But I believe his theory' ….he actually said 'theory'.

And when I asked 'can someone pass me the green marker?' all of them rushed to get it for me… well not all of them.. but I thought it was appropriate to add that detail.

All the girls were like " are you allowed to let ur hair down (in Senior Sch)? We aren’t allowed to do that…. Why are you wearing a non-wesley headband? Why do you have nail polish on (elle had nail polish)….omg they were adorable..
Then when the teacher asked " ok! Who's ready to go?'
And all of them sat up so straight their backs arched and kept quiet. It was too cute!

Moving on, I performed a dance for sch assembly with others who r involved in the sch dance troupe thing. It was international week so we had a mix of a chinese fan dance, an indian dance and belly dance. I choreographed the fan dance from what I could rmb from css chinese dance society hahaha.. but belly dance was hard.. I was looking at my ass going " cmon butt! You can do this!shake!" and eddie was like (pointing to her chest)" oh dun worry.. these babies can shake' lol.. eddie is Jessica Edmunds but ppl here like to call you by ur last name n hers got shortened to eddie.

Omg I wached V for vendetta on Tuesday.. and OMFG it was the awesomest shit ever!!!!!! Its about.. its about!…. awww I dun wanna spoil it for you!I seriously recommend everyone to watch it- you wont regret it I promise.. if you do.. there's seriously sth wrong with u..

My sch uniform shop is ridiculous. Ok.. you noe how CSS has the bear toy in the blue uniform.. my sch as a lion beanie and it actually looks really good.. the kind you find at Palms in Singapore..they have a Wesley umbrella, Wesley pen, Wesley scarf(which im going to buy next week cos 16 degrees is freezing my booger into ice), Wesley table cloth (most likely for mums), Wesley photo album, Wesley hair band, Wesley mug, wallet, pencil case,etc.. so you can imagine every single thing is in purple n gold..

Winter uniform switch over is on easter but I'll be switching next week. My camera is spoilt so unfortunately I cant take pics of my uniform n friends ( now that I actually have friends to take pics with) yet.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

radius; radii. stimulus;stimuli. mucous; mucai

Here are some of my school rules:

Girls in Senior school are allowed to wear light and natural make up.
Girls are not allowed to wear diamond/pearl studs (which seems to be very popular in my school).
Boys in Middle and Senior school are allowed one stud per lobe.
Boys' hair should be off the collar in length. Sideburns should not exceed the bottom of the ear. Hair radius must not be more than 5 cm (a lot of guys have afros and really curly hair)

In CSS, the official sideburn length was half the ear but there were guys trying to get away with sideburns right to their lobes. So you can imagine that since the official length here is the lobe, some guys have sideburns to their jaw or more. Personally I'm thrilled because I'm a fan of sideburns (on guys that is- and not the Elvis kind either).

I used to dance 4 times a week, ride once and have tuition twice. Now I dance twice a week and ride once. It's only recently that I resumed my activities since I stopped dancing for O's and it took awhile to find a riding and ballet school. Now that I've done that im so glad to be back in my dance shoes. Of course I don't have tuition anymore ever since I moved here and became a genius.

Last night a voted on the Channel Nine news website supporting the permission of marriage of gays. Gays/lesbians should be allowed to unite in holy matrimony. BUT, I don't think they should be allowed to adopt children simply because no child should have to experience possible discrimination he/she doesn’t even understand and it would be depriving the child of a normal, ideal family.

OMG this is sooooo scary!. My mum and dad had a fight over the phone (my mum being in aussieland and my dad being in sg) about what im not too sure, but get this- the way she spoke to my dad when they were fighting was Exactly the way I speak to hanafi when we fight! When I was overhearing the covo I seriously freaked out cos im hearing what I sound like..except its my mum! How weird was that?!