Monday, February 27, 2006

a virgin experience

on thurs i went to take the theory driving test and passed! wohoo! i look crap in my driver's lisence.
on sunday i had very first experience driving. i must say.. there wasnt a climax and no, it wasnt a painful experience, the whole thing was very exciting and stressful at the same time. i went to some business centre aft working hrs so tt was kinda deserted where i drove ard for bt 40 mins, reversing and trying to park into a lot and doing humps... haha...i must say, i'd rather ride a horse than drive a car at this point of my learning to drive.

my break up with * is going well. slowly but surely. tts the way we want it. we definately remain best friends.

i received a phone call from a dear friend joshua all the way from sydney. and he seems to b getting along fine, like me, starting to drive soon, just to let u guys noe, in case u wanted to find out how he's going.

i had a biology test today and it was hard. tt was really weird cos hard academic tests and australia just dont go.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Me and Quek Xiu Hui

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Quek Funnel
Happy birthday to you! (whistles and woohoos)

I could not find any ' Me and Quek Xiu Hui' photos although that album has alot of photos like:
me and xui hui on the last day of school
me and xui hui on new year's eve
me and xiu hui trying to sit on Sunit's bike
me and xiu hui killing loh mun fei and nggy
me and xiu hui eating New Zealand Natural mint ice cream
me and xiu hui at Charm to pluck eyebrows (hers)
and so on...

as a tribute to our friendship, im going to post a pic of jay chou's twin.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Karma is a Bitch

You can tell karma is female the way she keeps track of all the mean/bad/unkind things u've done and somehow manages to punish you. Karma is also manipulative the way alot of girls are by getting you without you noticing it. but im noticing everything karma! oh im on to you!
Australians are the la*iest bunch of people i have ever met.
my sch is pretty cool. my classes are like 5-16 people so its sort of like tuition which is great.. my locker is the hugest.. its like a friggin cupboard compared to what i had in sg. there's a socket and a coat hanger in every locker so u can charge ur laptop/hp/mp3 player in the locker. the teahcers are super nice again as compared to sg teachers...
Congrats to everyone on their results! heard everyone did pretty well.=)

000000789327487387932 the no of people who are jealous of me cos i know jay chou's twin.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sunday, February 05, 2006

a daily costume

my long dress by aussie standards. totally decent.i could be an example for 'how a sch uniform should be worn' here. tts 3 layers: summer dress, sweater and blazer.

2 layers: summer dress and sweater. when winter comes i'll upload the winter uniform which is more kinki! luckily i dont have a kinki face otherwise i'd really look like im playing dressup. i dont! in the backgrd is the place im renting now. i'll upload pics my real hse which is under renovation. i love it.

Friday, February 03, 2006

a titled entry

i woke up at 8 today, despite it being a sat and its a universal rule that ur supposed to sleep in, my body clock is used to waking up early since ive recently started school.

my dad said we were going to Dandenongs today so i thought we were going to The Dandenongs ( the mountains). but he and i were seriously mistaken cos we ended up going to Dandenong Road, on which is a shopping centre. i brought my cam with me thinking i was going to be sight seeing but wasnt too disappointed when i realised the main activity for the day was shopping.

i only have 15 mins left on this comp (im booked at the library cos i cant access the net from my laptop at home) i decided that my laptop should be a guy, for those who may be interested. suggestions for his name is welcome.

i'll be posting more pics here and in friendster(of i can), friendster is restricted on my laptop, and alot more entries bt the ways of austrlians and their country.

The number of people jealous of my kinki uniform... and counting.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

wtf happened to my title bar? all my entries are title-less.

since ive come here, ive noticed im more singaporean than i realised. first aussies are really good at small talk. they ask me how i am when they but i dun really even want to know. and i know this for a fact cos before i can think of what to say they've zipped past me. point is: dun ask me how's it going if u dun really wanna know.

i love my uniform. any shorter i'd look like some jap prostitute playing school girl. kinki. kinki eggplant that is.

ive got some photos of my sch uniform n i'll prolly upload it here cos friendster is restricted on my sch laptop. im gonna name my laptop, but i stil havent decided if its a boy /girl. ive got class soon at 9 50 soimoff to my very big locker.