Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ok, so maybe 12 jan wasnt the worst day of my life, in fact it wasnt tt bad at all. i was just being a fussy hussy. sat was really the worst day of my life, when i got lost and ended up in newton. i really think im not fated to take public transport. i spent 12 jan doing something i love very much. just spending time with someone special.

How to Survive in The House of Woo:
1. Don't say 'hey'. EVER
2. Tape musking tape over ur mouth because so much as a 'but' is considered as answering back in the Woo's residence.
3. Argue politely. (I havent quite figured this one out yet)
4. Don't apologise for telling ur friends ur problems.
5. Don't put carton boxes in the masterbedroom. No reason, just don't.
6. Don't be a potential burden to anyone.
7. Try not to kill anyone in the midst of an argument.
8. When someone is hyperventilating, ignore and continue chatting with ur friends so u can get a good night's sleep needed to continue the argument the next day.

alright this is it. i used to tell hanafi it's a long way away, but now its only tmr.thank you everybody for making life here so enjoyable n memorable, esp hanafi and all my friends. leaving is never easy but some how this is even worse. i wish each n everyone of you all the best in your studies n i'll miss all of u guys like crazy. i'll still be the same bitchy lynn when i come back.dun even think im like those phoney singaporeans who go overseas for like 6 mths n come back with an accent.thats seriously not remotely possible.

dear hanafi,
thank you for bringing me so much joy and always trying to.i have always appreciated all the things u do for me and always will because its the small things that count. thank you for being such a great friend i can tell everything to. even if i cant get the dirt out of my toenail i tell you. it takes someone with great patience to put up with someone like me with none whatsoever, and for putting up with all my whinning.
i only wish u'll take great care of yourself when i go and that u'll grow up to be what u want to be.im with u for who u are deep down so please dun ever change that. thanks for waking up for at 4 am to tell me u love me.thanks for singing to me at 4am when i cant get to sleep.
being with u was very hard cos of all the obstacles we had to overcome. i guess in tthe end thats wad really made me stronger even tho i always say i've grown weaker being in this rship bcos u always spoil me.thank you for being with me every step of the way and i'll always be there for you. i'll be there when u meet a really nice girl ( to interview her for the job), i'll be there when u get married, i'll be there when u become a pilot. i really hope u meet someone really nice n patient who's good enough for you.of course she'll be a very lucky person indeed.
now even as we go our seperate ways u'll always be in my heart. all good things must come to an end. and our rship is one such. at least we have a happy ending to our finale chapter and even as i write my own seperate chapter u and all my friends will be mentioned many times.
at the very beginning of our rship i was really insecure, esp when ppl tell me tt ur a player n blah.but now i look back n think of it as a joke because anyone who tells me ur a player has gotta be outta his mind. i for one, should know that by now.some ppl told me this wasnt worth it n i'll get cheated in the end,for a second a pondered bt it but now, 2 yrs on and i know all this was worth it, worth you.not the slightest of me got cheated of because u gave me everything u had to offer:time, support, encouragement, sleep, patience and understanding. you are everything i ever wanted in a guy and more. when i was little i used to day dream about my dream guy. but after i met you somehow i stopped dreaming. i know thats because i had already met him. ( no, i didnt copy this off some korean drama)
thank you very much for picking me amongst all the other girls making me more fortunate than i already am.thank you very much for giving me the time of my life.

with love, lynn

Thursday, January 12, 2006

today is probably the worst day of life. i was on the way to west mall to pick up a bouquet of sunflowers which is his fav flower. i was walking to the bus stop when he called..im sorry he said n for a sec i thought he was pulling my leg. but later i find out he isnt joking. im crushed because today is jan 12. the third n last special jan 12. so i say..alright i can come to ur place.. n cook.. eggs. so i went to the basement of wm to collect my flowers n it was really inconvenient to carry it all ard... i ask hanafi for directions...why is my entry turning all present tense?so i get really really agitated by his vague intructions. i get distracted from my dismal state by this woman n her daughter. they have this distinctive chinese accent i think they're from china. they definately reek of china. so i was turning away so much, i didnt wanna change seats coz she might get insulted. you hear that Santa? im caring abt how a mainlander feels. so im turning away so much i think its a yoga pose or some sort. message to the chinese beside me: ur not in mainland anymore. u HAVE to bathe more than twice a week. everyday would be prefered.

finally i get to his place.i can hear the applause, ppl cheering too. i ring the doorbell n he opens it. but his migraine is so bad he doesnt even look at me or the sunflowers im carrying.i cant blame him since he very well didnt wanna fall sick. did i mention i cancelled my taiwan trip with my mum n america trip with my sis to be in singapore on this very day? for some reason he cant open the gate so his brother comes with the key n unlocks it, but doesnt open the door for me.i thought tt was really weird. like he just unlocked it but didnt open it n invite me in.

i am so dissapointed with the way the day turned out that i stare blankly at the tv. he's got cable. when he tries to get my attention i still stare blankly at the tv.. unable to believe this is how im gonna spend my anniversary. the flowers were the first n last i give him n he juz put it away in his room..n tells me he'll put it in a vase ..after i pester him to. and then he asked if i juz came to his hse to watch cable( i dun have it at home) coz my eyes was transfixed on the telly. i got really pissed.DO U THINK IM WANTING TO SPEND MY DAY LIKE THIS?

so right now, im typing this entry. every few sentences i roll over to the bedside where he is resting n poke his body around for a bit.. and then im back at the keyboard.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

sweet memoirs

i've just finshed Memoirs of a Geisha. funnily, throughtout the whole novel, i dun remember having read the word 'love'. as in love for another person of the opp sex ( in a more than friends way), i dun think sayuri ever experienced love.the closest thing to 'love' in the novel was probably 'affection'.sayuri has also only been kissed once her entire life as a geisha. i really feel for her.

im pretty new at this bloggy shit but i decided to start one in the spur of a moment.juz gimme a mo to make this more presentable. im really impatient with this shit which is why my friendster acc has been stagnant for months. before i get up to saving my edited profile, i get really impatient n drop the whole idea. sweet memoirs is really what im feeling in my life right now. many of my friends r at crossroads in their life now, but somehow i seem to be a big busy junction, with lotsa round a bouts and zebra crossings.

my packing my room into carton boxes now.its heartbreaking, not to be melodramatic or anything. as my room gets emptier my heart gets heavier. not too long ago i often complained bt singapore. its weather, the sucky schools, ah pehs at the void deck, guys who cant stop starring. but now i find myself complaining abt returning to aus. i've made myself quite comfortable over the last 4 yrs. soon i'll be looking down on the streets of melb city to find it filled the leopard spots (chewing gum).. but no.. its not quite as exquisite as the spots of a leopard.. its more like measles.. the one me n jo used to draw all over our foolscap pads. she insists in tin molecules (during chem class)

i;ve packed right up to my stationery. but my closet is still full. n my full collection of make up is still with me. there's no way im packing that into a carton box! along with all my shoes n clothes! gods knows if i'll ever see them again. no, they're coming along with me in my personal luggage.

i came across a notebook. e one tt a brought to sch with blank pages. i was packing tt into a carton box n flipped thru some of d pages.. i found my drawing of jo..not bad i would say... a lil caption beside it said 'jo in geog class'. another caption in xiu hui's hand read ' jo very cute'. on the opp page was jo's drawing of me.. i looked like a lizard. xh's hand read ' lynn very ugly'. all around the border of the page in jo's hand was ' im not paying attention im not paying attention' n xh's hand was ' neither am i neither am i'..this brought back lotsa wonderful memories for me..i turn the next page only to find denise's artistic impression of annie lim or seng annie. whichever. annie's boobs were square n saggy. annie's boobs are square n saggy.

the actually reason why i flipped thru my old notebook was coz i rmb jo writing her add in there, n i wrote mine in her then notebook.i wanted to find her add so i could mail her letters from down under. under her add was ' BRING CHEM TYS!'im trying to record all my friends adds actually.i entered the date together with jo's add into my add book. she would be very honoured to know tt tt was the first time i wrote it ending with 06