Thursday, October 05, 2006

a lil hope for average lookin guys

witty, articulate, humourous, intersting average looking guys have a a better chance of finding a chick than a dull, inarticulate, witless hot guy. i know this from a fact because am i CURRENTLY have a conversation with a fairly good looking guy. i feel as though i am explaining the intricacies of life to an 8 yr old. i wonder whether he had abnormal brain development as a child. my attention span lasts 5 secs. he asks about my dream job, and just when i think we're staring the 'getting to know u' bit, he says the weirdest things.

he says:how r u gonna b a lawyer???like set up ur own company?
i say:em.. not in a corporate firm..
he wud they juz accept people?
i say:u mean the firm?
he says:yer
i say:um.. u have to apply..then theyd look at ur qualifications n experience
he says:but u got no exp rite?
i say:ya..

he says:they wud put u up with minor cases when u starting i suppose
i say:yeah.n maybe after a change jobs a few times, with more experience, i can get my ideal job
he says:
maybee when u make a name for urself then u'll start rolling in LoL

he says:
u gettin straight As???
i say:huh?
he says:resultsresults results!!!
isay :um..yeah..wat has tt gotta do with my experience n my dream job?
he says:do they want a good result or just to pass in those subjects??
i say:im sure they would want gd results too.. but its not entirely based on results..
he says:melbourne courses arent based on results? like entirely???
i say:nono! i thot u meant the job!

he says:omg lol so...lets restart!in Melbourne they need good results to get into the courses u want???
i say:yes of cos!...its a uni!

it seems as tho im the slow one here, but im sure u can testify.
and the communication breakdown continues.... more like the communication lapse.. on his part.

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