Tuesday, October 17, 2006

i told you so!

omg! i totally knew you were telling the truth! i didnt believe her from the start! lol.

danced n sang (badly) in the shower. jo told me not to scare the neighbours but i think they must have been jerking off.
i am finally at peace. and you may all now retract your condolensces. =)

Friday, October 13, 2006

who the hell is this girl? whatever, she cracks me up so bad. u have to watch this.

ballerinas have sex too!

the most sexually charged ballet i have ever seen in my life. simply beautiful. this dance is way more arousing than the vids of pussycatdolls. watch it twice over so u understand what was really happening at the begining. the talking bit in the middle was weird.

the end makes me laugh. she's blind dude!! you can do whatever u want with her! sheesh. ( its the same chick as with the other clip).
Getover him girlfriend! if i can do it, you can do it too!... you're both gonna die anyway. and HELLO!.. there's a bed upstage or are u guys blind?
this i dont get. was she trying to say 'im pregnant' or 'come feel me up'?
ahhh... Fools in Love. ...they practically have an orgasm on stage...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gloat world, gloat

i just have a feeling this entry's gonna be great.

allow a few minutes of silence for his lost..

so, i didnt get much sleep last night so i was already awake way before i had to get ready for school. since i was early i decided to get started. i tossed the ring into the bin, opened the carton boxes where i kept the stuffed toys and threw tt into the bin too, found the dogtags, detatched the one my sis gave me n threw the rest of it in the bin, took out old photos, tore them down the center, i plan to make a little mosaic so those interested can come ask me for pictures of my artwork!.. i didnt throw some away cos i look so gorgeous in them and i wanna keep them so when i hire a hitman, he'd get the right person. havent burnt the other pics yet but will get round to it. also deleted all emails/fwded mails etcetc..i was trying to throw out anything tt reminds me of anything.. i was wondering how i could fit myself into the bin...

you may send ur condolensces to me, but u cant say 'i told u so', which would make me feel more The Fool. u may say: omg! i totally didnt see that coming.. to back me feel better..lol..

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

so you think you can dance?

ok. i went for jazz class tonight and we were working on this short dance, a continuation from last week. so anyway, you know how i said we were doing Beauty and the Beast for the ballet at the end f othe year, apparently, as i just found out, there is a performance for jazz/tap/funk too.
so there we were...going over the dance again and again, and Ms Amanda said "pretend this is an audition, gimme what you got". and i was looking around.. wondering if anyone else got that huge hint, which was obvious cos the teachers are choreographing for the concert now and last week she mentioned she might use this dance for the concert.

so after that, i went ALL OUT ... seriously, i was so close to making my own sound effects. i took it 3 levels higher. then Ms amanda asked 4 of us to demonstrate in to the class of 11 or 12... *coughcough* i was one of them. so i was thinking...my efforts paid off. then later, after class ended, she came to the 4 of us and told us she needed us to come down for rehearsals on sunday. YES!!!THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!
so yes, you may come and congratulate me =)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

please call me?

i didnt think i would ever say this, but i am anxiously waiting for my teacher's call. my ballet teacher said she might need me to go down for extra class on monday night. im hoping she'll tell me i have a solo for the end of yr performance (we're doing Beauty and the Beast, and no, i didnt get the lead part n i cried) or some exciting thing like that, hence the need for extra private classes.
please call me!!!!!!! im so very free on monday night!!!! i dont mind going for class everyday!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

a lil hope for average lookin guys

witty, articulate, humourous, intersting average looking guys have a a better chance of finding a chick than a dull, inarticulate, witless hot guy. i know this from a fact because am i CURRENTLY have a conversation with a fairly good looking guy. i feel as though i am explaining the intricacies of life to an 8 yr old. i wonder whether he had abnormal brain development as a child. my attention span lasts 5 secs. he asks about my dream job, and just when i think we're staring the 'getting to know u' bit, he says the weirdest things.

he says:how r u gonna b a lawyer???like set up ur own company?
i say:em.. not really..work in a corporate firm..
he says:oh...cool wud they juz accept people?
i say:u mean the firm?
he says:yer
i say:um.. u have to apply..then theyd look at ur qualifications n experience
he says:but u got no exp rite?
i say:ya..

he says:they wud put u up with minor cases when u starting i suppose
i say:yeah.n maybe after a change jobs a few times, with more experience, i can get my ideal job
he says:
maybee when u make a name for urself then u'll start rolling in LoL

he says:
u gettin straight As???
i say:huh?
he says:resultsresults results!!!
isay :um..yeah..wat has tt gotta do with my experience n my dream job?
he says:do they want a good result or just to pass in those subjects??
i say:im sure they would want gd results too.. but its not entirely based on results..
he says:melbourne courses arent based on results? like entirely???
i say:nono! i thot u meant the job!

he says:omg lol so...lets restart!in Melbourne Uni...do they need good results to get into the courses u want???
i say:yes of cos!...its a uni!

it seems as tho im the slow one here, but im sure u can testify.
and the communication breakdown continues.... more like the communication lapse.. on his part.

please talk to me?

God, please make me dance like her.
