Wednesday, August 30, 2006

bitch vs bitchy

when i say im not a bitch its because i dont backstab/betray my friends, i dont steal boyfriends, i love my friends n family to bits and im nice to them, etcetc (everything you see on mean girls)

when i say im bitchy its because i diss bitches, sluts, tryhards, most strangers and lame people, i bite back if u make me.

im saying this because all along i always thought tt there's nth seriously wrong abt that and i have fun dissing people (behind their backs so it doesnt hurt their feelings), and at the end of the day, i noe im a good person inside when it comes to people who i care about and who care about me (thats alot of people). but i think all this time, while i have declared myself 'bitchy' people mistake that for me being proud that im a bitch. i dont see myself as a bitch. and when it comes to dissing people, well... you thought it, i had the guts to say it. i call my girlfriends 'bitches' sometimes because we diss people together, we laugh and cry together and cos they're cool. and when they call me a bitch, its for the same reason (i hope).

so there's a great line between being a pure bitchy and being bitchy.

and hence, i shall shed the word 'bitchy' from my list of words to describe myself.. and change it to something else... that i havent yet thought of..

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