Thursday, March 23, 2006

Losing It

Losing It
When would a girl know she's ready? I've asked myself that at least a couple of times and while most people would say 'you'd just know' as though I'm a bloody shrink, the answer to that question is that you wouldn't know until after you've lost it.

This is how it works:
So you've lost it to your guy. Assuming he was still there the next morning when u wake up, tells you he had a most wonderful night, comforts you a little bit for your loss and gets up to make you breakfast. There could be two scenarios:

1) You start sobbing. You feel you've let the whole world down and how you'd ever be able to hold up head up high is unimaginable. You start to fret u might get pregnant. In this situation you still cannot find out if you were actually ready. Unless…
i. He sees you're really shaken up about it and tries to comfort you. He reassures you that he loves you and he wasn't just in it for the sex and will stick around. You believe him and start to smile and relax. If you're lucky, he stays true to his word. Only then you would know you were ready, emotionally mature enough to handle it, maybe just a little shaken by the experience and needed time to calm down.
ii. He sees you're really shaken up about it and tries to comfort you. 'DON'T TOUCH ME YOU BASTARD', you say, and run out of the room to your mother, spill the beans, get disowned and sign up for counselling/group therapy. He is left confused as a few hours ago you were saying: 'YES YES! TOUCH ME THERE NOW!' Only then you would know you weren't ready.

2) You say to yourself: 'that was a good experience. Pleasure has a price'. And you get up to cuddle and eat the breakfast he's made. Your relationship goes on fine and break up months later not because of this issue. Only then would you know you were ready. Readier than girl from Scenario 1i).

And what of girls who lost their cherry to the odd guy? Well, first that is a silly silly thing to do. If…(this is assuming the odd guy won't be sticking around for the next sunrise)

1). You say to yourself:' Hell yeah!' You would be sure you were ready. Maybe even too ready. Too ready to respect your cherry.

2). Scenario 1ii) repeats except for the bit where he tries to comfort you. You feel worse because you realise you don't even know his last name and his name could have been spelt John or Jon or Jonathan. You wouldn't know if you were truly ready because the experience might have been different if it was a different guy, if it was a boyfriend so you won't feel like such a slut.
This is why what happens immediately after sex or what not is crucial.

Sex- it's taunting you and teasing you. How daring are you? How much are you willing to risk? How boring are you? How exciting? It does that because you don't know the answers to these questions until you've tried it and you want to find out. It's an IQ test. It tells you whether you’re a bright girl who chose the right guy, or a dim one, who chose a wrong one. It's a personality test: are you a slut or not? It’s a test of how much your family loves you.

And what of guys? I'd say they are ready anytime from the age of 0 onwards.

How would a girl ensure that she wouldn’t feel like crap after losing it? How could you ensure you wouldn't feel cheated after having sex for the first time? I have often asked myself if there was a way to protect myself from the emotional trauma after my membrane tears. Well, there is a way: the Bunny.

Instead of losing your virginity to a guy who might really be a jerk, you could lose it to yourself. As you turn the Bunny on to 'low', you know that you aren’t giving your cherry to a guy whom you might never see again. In a strange way, because you lose your virginity to yourself, you keep it with you even after you lose it. It's like keeping the family heirloom within the family. Although it is a waste of cherry to be given to a pink rubber toy.

The bottom line is, some girls are lucky, some aren't. If you happen to be one of the unlucky ones, tough.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

being with you and in you

I just received the Commonwealth Sec yearbook of 2005 and I'm going into full-gear bitching.

Dearest mrs teo, I know u have speech defect that is really quite humiliating for our school, but I didn’t realise you had eyesight defects too. The school logo and heading on the yearbook cover is not centralised. You know, centralised? It's a common style for a heading on a cover of a book. In fact it’s the only socially accepted one.

To the rest of the people who put their hearts and soul into the publishing of the yearbook, you should b ashamed of yourself. The picture quality is so horrible, one would think it was from 1960, when the first colour pictures were discovered or made available.

The main thing about yearbooks is the picture. Mainly, the class photos. We don't give a shit about how much money the parent-teacher-network raised, or how old and saggy the principle is. Even being a computer illiterate myself, I have heard of something called 'blowing up the picture', have you? FUCKING BLOW UP THE CLASS PHOTOS COS WE CANT SEE SHIT. And what were u thinking with the sweet colourful stars beside our class photos?! This is not 1996 neoprints.

This batch of o level students has produced by far one of the best results in years and this is what you give us- an F grade yearbook! And don't even think we'd forget that you wanted to have our formal in the school canteen you ungrateful assholes.

at the rate this principle is pushing the school, without giving back to the students something worth remembering, css students are going to graduate with 6 a1s but when they step out of the blue uniform, they'd smile and be glad for it.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

self mutilation

i cut myself today. didnt noe what i was thinking. afterward i realised it was a stupid thing to do... ...

i left my shaver with a bar of soap. some bits of the soap got stuck between the blades. i decided to clean it, to try to get the soap out. i pressed my thumb into the blade and slid across the blade, hoping to get the soap out.

bleed bleed bleed...


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

since child abuse was legal

i had a debate with my mum about whether child abuse (parents canning/ slapping their children to discipline them) is legal.
mum: john (the architect of my new hse) asked me if in Singapore, parents are allowed to cane/ slap their children.
me: what did u say?
mum: yes, of course!
me: ( very shocked) OH MY GOD! its soooo not!
mum: it is.
me: its just cos EVERYbody does it anyway thats why u think its okay n its legal when in fact it is not.
mum: it is. if the child can be disciplined by just scolding, thats good. but most of the time, they wont listen.
me: exactly! CHILD. this word gives children the right to not know right from wrong. they're only children.
mum: no. some of them r v rebellious and u have to slap them
me: (i start to defend myself now bcos i know my mum thinks tt im v rebellious and has wanted to slap me before) alot of kids who have never been abused turn up just fine. it how their brought up and taught.tts why u cant lay hands on a child in sch bcos it's in the public eye but it occurs in domestic homes cos no one reports the parents! if i reported u, u'd b in jail by now.
mum: its cos the kids at the school arent the children of the teachers but if the child is urs, the child is yours to discipline.

since when was child abuse legal? since child abuse was legal.
