Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Earth to Lynn

the past few weeks have been pure madness for me. i had done 2 additional (but optional) maths portfolios in 2 weeks, and have bitched about so much you know you're not really my friend if you havent heard about it. 5 mins after i handed the first one in i started breaking down in the car on the way to my mum's asian grocer...and i had disgustingly stayed up till 3am working on the second one.
before i could catch a breath i had to prepare for my eng oral commentaries, where i had to study the whole of fucking Hamlet and 10 Atwood and Heaney poems for a 10min commentry that was worth the most important 15% of my final english mark. Don't get me wrong, i love the texts, in particlular Hamlet. But when you have to speak in front of two examiners and a video recorder, it does get abit nerve-racking the way you cant help but hang on every nod either examiner gives you.
The very next day was the day of my yr12 formal (prom). i started getting ready at about 1pm for the formal at 7.30 lol.. talk about frockin up. i had asked brendan to come with me and i wasnt the only one who kinda freaked out after he said yes. lol.. mum, you just have a tendency to hate every single male i show remote interest in. Scotty, when you receive pics of me and brendan-with-his-face-cut-out-and-replaced-with-yours, you'll know how much i wished it had been you. nonetheless, let me speak about how the evening went and credit given to my date, in case he chances upon this site. Bredan was every bit the gentleman.. the lil talk his mum gave him in front of me about 'taking care of Lynn not in a ninja way' was amusing and slightly awkward..
i got to the hairdressers at 2pm and my hair took an hour -it was gorgeous. then i got home to change n started getting really stressed putting on my eyemakeup i had to shoo my brother away and also put on my full-length white dress i got from singapore.... good ol Daniel Yam...when the divine ritual was over i made my way to Steph's pre-pre drinks lol.. just an excuse for more alcohol and more cam-whoring. I had fun there... pics are following soon in case ur wondering. at 5pm i returned home n packed a change of clothes (a very skanky/hot dress i borrowed from my sis) for the after-party. not long after, brendan and his mum came to pick me up to drive us to chelsea's pre-drinks (photos coming later), all while doing the whole "opening the car door/after you miss" thing.
When brendan n i introduced ourselves to some outside-school dates, his mum came over to tell brendan that he had to introduce me.. so i was obviously feeling every bit the uncomfortable-but-truly-loving-it date. i met some really nice people who were dates to wesley students.. some boring hoes in their tasteless unclassy dresses and smiled politely at them.. before the pre-drinks party split into two limos all of us gathered on chel's main stairs and the whole horde of paparazzi parents were clickling insanely away... while I was struggling to look into different cameras whenever i saw i flash go off, thinking wow, the camera loves me.. but really knowing the parents were taking photos of their children... lol...
the limo wasnt as exciting as i thought it would be.. it really just feels very normal.. lol.. we stopped by a drink store to get some drinks and then headed to the formal...
again... i cant really describe how the formal went except it was amazing.. except for those fat chicks in tiny dresses that scared me and made me hold more desperatetly on my date's arm..or whoever happened to be beside me at that time....and before i go on.. let me get it straight and out in the open: WEAR THICK STRAPS IF YOU HAVE FAT/BROAD SHOULDERS.

i always thought this was a given but apparently not. apparently these chicks' mothers dontt love them enough to tell them the truth either. you can tell my mummy
loves me cos when i wear something trendy but ugly on me, she dishes it out. =)

all throughout the formal i was desperately trying to get pics of as many people as possible but giving up everynow and then cos you cant maximise the enjoyment when your busy taking photos...i also noticed people loved to see me and brendan together more than me and brendan did..lol..we had to stop to pose for people a number of times.. they have more photos of us than i do.. which is why i had to create a MySpace account (Oz version of friendster) just to get pics of Jonno!.. jonno better love me. everyone loved my dress and i was thankful i didnt have to worry about someone else wearing the same/similar dress...a lowlight however, was that someone steped on my foot during the formal and i had a small round bruise on my foot, the size of a heel.. tt really hurt...o! and i also danced what little ballroom i knew with Mcnicol, my fav new toy boy... who doesnt get sexual benefits.. lol..

after party was really dissapointing and a rip off cos alcohol wasnt provided... so brendan and i and a few of his other mates went off to one of his mates where we continued drinking and taking photo's of Nenna's bleeding tongue as a result of a very hungry person eating a quarter-pounder... as the night wore on, we watched Harry Potty till 5am...


the next day i went to bed at 1am.. i have no idea how i managed to get through the sunday with all of 4 hours of bad-quality sleep.... i lay wake thinking of how I'm going to celebrate my 18th bday in singapore...


Joshua said...

equine influenza!? aint that a horse disease? and how come your formal's so early? mine's after my HSC. when's your VEC or whatever you call it? im asking so many questions! spring spring, it actually gets kinda hot here, weird. and im thinking about learning volley ball, you cant live in Syd w/o knowing the sport. i just realize that "i miss you lynn woo" rhymes. cool eh?

Love L said...

yeah! have u been living under a rock? they cancelled the sydney spring racing carnival! how could you not know?i didnt noe sydneyians were so into volleyball.. yeah.. take it up... down here its good ol footy.. bores me to no end.. GO CARLTON!