Wednesday, August 30, 2006

bitch vs bitchy

when i say im not a bitch its because i dont backstab/betray my friends, i dont steal boyfriends, i love my friends n family to bits and im nice to them, etcetc (everything you see on mean girls)

when i say im bitchy its because i diss bitches, sluts, tryhards, most strangers and lame people, i bite back if u make me.

im saying this because all along i always thought tt there's nth seriously wrong abt that and i have fun dissing people (behind their backs so it doesnt hurt their feelings), and at the end of the day, i noe im a good person inside when it comes to people who i care about and who care about me (thats alot of people). but i think all this time, while i have declared myself 'bitchy' people mistake that for me being proud that im a bitch. i dont see myself as a bitch. and when it comes to dissing people, well... you thought it, i had the guts to say it. i call my girlfriends 'bitches' sometimes because we diss people together, we laugh and cry together and cos they're cool. and when they call me a bitch, its for the same reason (i hope).

so there's a great line between being a pure bitchy and being bitchy.

and hence, i shall shed the word 'bitchy' from my list of words to describe myself.. and change it to something else... that i havent yet thought of..

stop staring at my boobs

why is everyone saying my boobs have shrunk? the day i drop down to a b cup ill announce it right here.

maybe it cos ive put on weight so they look smaller in comparison. but seriously in the red dress.. its the dress tt makes it look smaller. honest!

and hanafi didnt say anything about it. he was marvelling only in my breathtaking beauty. =)

guy are jerks. guys in my friends' lives are jerks. well, some of them.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

the one before you

you think you're so cool, just because you do the same things he does.
you think you can get away under your cover being 'attached'. while you sneakily slide next to him, you know he likes it cos he plays your game, you should also know you're not the only one. and definately not the first.
fool! you think you can own him but you've no idea what your up against.
i watched you two dance, saw you squirm when you could feel my eyes on you. is that your conscience speaking now?
oh yes im watching you, all the way from here. and im coming back girl.
and let that be a warning for all you silly girls... sheesh... haven't you heard of Lynn?

Saturday, August 26, 2006


left to right: me and bron, me and kat (this picture's gonna b worth millions in 20 yrs time. she's gonna be the next picasso/davinci/watever artist), me and nathan biggins (kat's bf).

left to right: beresford n me, group photo which started off being just yr 11 girls to everyone joining in, then me, bronwyn montgomery and ele danks.

drama & dance dinner 2006

sami and me
jumping back to before the dinner
beresford and me
randoms.. sam's at the end tho.
me and 6 foot 4 your bloody head.

mum (who curled my hair and drew my eyebrows) and me before we set off for the dinner.
pics from the dinner to celebrate Chess and the graduations of seniors (yr12's). it was a masquerade ball and im wearing Daniel Yam tt i got from sg during my hol there which xh helped to pay for me

more pics from Chess

lauren waugh n samantha rowe
my signature pose everybody knows me for. i start of the chorus dance with this pose.

brendy and me before the saturday show
guy's changing room
nicole franklin and me. my bro was in the same batch as nic's older sis ashleigh.. n my bro hated
brendan chen n nic

will and i. i had to slide up and down his butt at least 100 times for rehearsals and performances.


these are pics from Chess, the senior school musical. thats tom beresford n me. we did the lover's dance together. he pretends to like me but i think he doesnt really. lol.
these are the ballet chicks in the musical. there were only 4 of us.
lauren waugh. she's one of the main characters n has the voice of an angel.
the set/stage and orchestra.
beresford n me.

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Suprising Present

last saturday, hanafi gave me a suprise/present. a suprising present. which was about 15 -20 minutes of talk time before bed! i was definately in a good mood cos CHESS, the musical im invovled in just finished that night, i just came back from the rather shit after party, at which hanafi also called to presumably congratulate me and i naturally told everyone i knew that my ex from singapore just called.=) so anyway, me and hanafi got to chat for like 15-20 mins... we haven't chatted this long in ages. and the next morning it felt like a dream. when i spoke to him online the next day and asked what the suprising present was for... he said something along the lines of 'once in a while having a long chat to make me happy'. and 15-20 mins to him is already like a lightyear so i was v appreciative.

and i also got through the first round of voting for prefect positions. and as much as everyone knows how much i regretted and hated being a councillor in CSS, something tells me being a prefect here is going to be different. for one, it doesnt mean teachers watch u like a hawk. for two, here ur also allowed to make mistakes like normal students even though ur a prefect.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

how lynn of you!

firstly, i would like to mention tt for the the first time in my life, my home has cable tv. i now live for cable tv. so anyway, i watched this show about the playmates in the playboy mansion. there were 3 girls, all look completely different before make up and before the make over. after the make up and make over, they look like blonde, tan plastic dolls that just popped out from the factory: serial number 0020, 0021 and 0023 (batterties not included).
anyway, 0020 had a younger sis living with her in the mansion, but because she was only 14/15, she wasnt allowed to participate in all the 'fun' things her older sis did. so for her birthday, 0020 gave her sis fake boobs and a make over!!! WOW! now we have 0024! the sisters' mother came for the big 0024 'before and after' ceremony, AND WAS MOVED TO TEARS. my little girl! all grown up! two ive got 2 sluts as daughters! yippee!
0021 claims rotting hugh hefner is her soulmate. enough said.
0023 feels that she is now legitimised as hef's girlfriend because all his previous gfs were on the cover of Playboy, and she only just made it for the latest issue.

basically, after watching that show i made a mental list of reasons why im way hotter and sexier than 0020, 0021 and 0023.
1. im all real (nothing explodes when you touch it, nothing is flamable)
2. im all real and loving it (unlike the old 0024 who really wanted to turn into a plastic doll)
3. im for real (at least i dont claim hef's my soulmate)
4. ive got brains
5. i leave what i look like naked to the imagination, rather than what i look like clothed to the imagination.
6. i wear 'sexy secretary' glasses.
7. im asian.
8. im not perfect- my thighs arent proportional to my calfs (perfect is boring. i mean, how long can u stay interested in a manufactured doll who gives you the same reply to every question? how long can u stand looking at a platinum blonde girl without wondering what she might look like if she was brunette?)
9. i dont spend time curling/striaghtening my hair for school (this is more an attack to the girls at school rather than the playboy mates)
10. i have a real meaningful life filled with real people i love, as opposed to living with housemates who look uncannily identical to me.
11. i dont care if boys think im hot/not. (actually i do care if A boy thinks im hot/not, but even then, its minimal).
12. i am a complex individual
13. i appreciate literature and the arts.
14. i specialise in the most non-sexual, non-sensationalised dance in the world- ballet.
15. i dance the most sexual dance in the world for myself.

apart from that, i went shopping on the weekend! i bought a pair of white tapered jeans, pink fingertipless wool gloves, a haircurler (for special occasions only), 2 revlon nail polish for $4!!! my god! a cute pink singlet that reveals the tip of ur bra (if u wear one), a black silk sleeper to sew under my translucent dress, and huge 6-picture frame to mount on my wall.

i still cant get over the revlon nail polish 2 for $4! anyway, i bought red and this other colour. and my mum always told me how much red doesnt suit me cos im slightly tan. apparently red makes me look like a hooker/witch. but i thought id see for myself (cos i personally really like the look of red nail polish), and i really like it, and 3 people at school complimented my nails today, which goes to show my mum is only 99% of the time right.

my school musical is on thurs, fri and sat nights, with an afternoon performance on sat as well. dress rehearsals tmr. i dont have a speaking part, but i do dance in every single dance scene. and i sing with the chorus. by that i mean i mouth the words im half-sure of. wish me luck!

xoxo yining
ps: my fav colour turqoise of 3 years is no longer. it is now salmon pink, slighty more pink than what u r seeing now.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


apparently, after ive done the 20 people thing im supposed to smack and tag 5 people (wit i smacked and tagged these people because i think they could do with abit of luck- don't take offense, its not one of those things like because u look so ugly i feelu need luck in ur dating life way. its more like, why dont u have a lil boost in life.. in whatever aspect way):

1. hanafi (because i think he will need luck with regard to where our rship is going)
2. hsien (probably because id love to see her n her man go on for a long, happy time, and not end up like the rest of her rships, and that her taste in men will improve exponentially. i can see the progess shing)
3. wei long (maybe because he'd always questioning his purpose in life, i feel stressed out for him)
4. xiu hui (i find it weird tt i need to wish her luck in this area cosidering she'd one of the most attractive people i know, but for some reason noone's come along, and probably not to have people like Farhan the F*** get close to her)
5. wanxin (similar reason to hanafi i guess)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

now wx is angry at me. but, BUT, this was what really happened...
after i published my post n logged off on my comp, it dawned on me that i didn't mention wx as one of the 20 people i noe. i thought, oh shit! i better go change it when i get home before she reads it!

so now wx has read it before i could change it.

well, what can i do to make it up to u wx? =)