Sunday, September 07, 2008

RE: Tribute to a friend

"True friendship is never serene."- de Sevigne

I went back to the archives in your blog and found your entry 'Tribute to a friend'. Today is your day. I wasn't sure if a call would put you off.

I'll be here when you want to talk.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I am sick and tired of people not having common sense, courtesy, brains and social skills.

AT first I thought it was very characteristic of Asians but now I know better.

It seems proper introductions have no place in today's society.

Wednesday, 3 Sept -

I came home from uni at around 4pm, went about my usual business grumbling to mum about how our pantry is severely lacking in unhealthy snacks and about my stupid group member who forgot that our assignment was due this morning. All of a sudden, the door bell rings. We weren't expecting any guests.. not that I was aware of anyway.. and not at this odd hour. Anyway, I checked my make-up quickly in the mirror before I opened the main doors. There stood 3 casually dressed Asians, 2females & 1 male, all around ages 40-60, looking at me as though I was indeed expecting them. 'Hello.....?" I let my voice trail off hoping that they would soon fill me in and I can send them on their way. A very chirpy "Hello! We are from Singapore!"was how they introduced themselves , still looking at me, making me feel like I was missing something.

"Uh...great. So am I...."WHO WERE THESE PEOPLE? Why can't tell just tell me already?
"We told your mum we'd call but we didnt..." In other words, 'sorry we've just showed up at your doorstep without prior notice/warning'. ... an awkward silence followed. WHO WERE THESE PEOPLE?
It was only after mum came to the door after taking her hair curlers out that she relieved me from my duty. I made my quick escape, all the while thinking how hard it would have been if someone just said "Hi, I am XX and this is my husband and my cousin. We're your mum's friends from Singapore".
As opposed to "Hello! We are from SIngapore!"..... GREAT.. turn around and wave the flag why don't you.

Thursday, 4 September

It was around 2.30pm, I was at work and the new stock of men's wallets just arrived so i was hunched over the bench busy putting security tags on them.

This sexy 30-something blond in a pencil skirt and lovely pointy shoes walks confidently into the store and when she sees my colleague Nisha, she says "I love your hair!" (random compliments are graciously accepted and generously given out here). And then she walks over to Jude, the store manager, and starts talking to him in a way that suggested they were either personal friends or she was a really good and frequent customer that allowed her to be on such friendly terms with Jude and Nisha. Anyway, she spots me in my corner and very cheerfully says a big HI to me from where she was standing (about 6m away). I return her an equally bright and cheery HI and go about my business, since I knew Jude was already attending to her.

"No -.... HI?".. The suddenly-not-so-sexy lady was talking At me again - altough it was bordering on shouting since she was a distance from me.
I started to get abit unsure I just said "uh....hello"..WHAT THE HELL DID SHE WANT FROM ME?
Jude intercepts and proceeds to say "Oh Lynn, this is RetardX from Hugo Boss AUstralia. She does the store planning there."

Now I get it. We shakehands and I am quickly left to my own devices.

I couldnt help but think, who the fuck introduces themselves like that? "No....HI?"..
She might as well have said "No.. you dont understand.. Im an important person. Give me the attention I crave". She could clearly work out that I was working there even though I'm new, while I had never ever seen/heard of her. Seeing as I'm such a small fry in her eyes, why didnt the sexy, confident, well dressed 30-year old be gracious enough walk up to me and get acquainted?

Even more so since I've started working, I realise how paramount social skills are. When I started working here I remember a staff hand-out saying 'You only get one chance to make a first impression'. That couldn't be more true. Situations like the 2 I have described give away so many clues about a person's upbringing, education, character and attitude.

I admit it isn't as easy as it sounds though, and it doesn't come naturally to many people. And while remembering to always polite is a whole different ball game to cultivating a winning charm, acquiring a sense of social finesse will never fail you and will see you through many awkward and difficult moments in ur career and social life.