Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"I wasn't shortchanged because he was a virgin too"

Dream one

I was not exactly clear where I was. It seemed like a shopping centre, some public place, I could not be sure. I had some how offended this evil bomo guy and he was trying to take his revenge on me. my mum was a good bomo, something like a good witch and she was warning me that the evil bomo was coming after me. the next thing I knew I was running away from the evil bomo and was chasing me and trying to shoot some magical potion on me. because everyone in the shopping centre (im guessing) was afraid to get struck by the potion, the entire place went into chaos and I could hear screaming and crying. He was gaining on me. I could feel it. somehow the saw xiu hui ( who suddenly just appeared) running into this shabby hut to hide. He thought that I would be running with her and followed her thinking she would lead him to me. as I saw all this I ran the other way because I knew that if I ran after xiu hui I would surely run into him. So I ran the other way, trying to find hanafi. I ran down the steps and bumped into Farhan (as in xiu hui farhan) and amidst my panic and panting, asked him, " do you still like her?" 'yes,' he said. "well hurry up and try to save her cos the bomo's after her". And with that he hurried towards the direction I was pointing him to. I carried on running down the steps, still frantically trying to get to hanafi to tell him the dangerous situation.
And then I woke up.

Dream Two

I was in Australia, and had was going out with this random faceless guy. We had been going out for quite awhile and he was now trying to persuade me to have sex with him. I was still a virgin (am in real life too) and I didn’t want to give up my virginity to him. When I refused, he tried to force himself on me and that’s when I started to run away. (sounds familiar?)… I kept running and somehow found that I had ran all the way to Westmall Shopping centre in bukit batok, Singapore. When I reached there I was trying to find hanafi (more similarities with dream one) and I somehow hanafi found me. he ran towards me and we hugged. Later hanafi disappeared and I was trying to find the neighbourhood police stationt to report my psychotic boyfriend chasing after me. but somehow I was really confused because the post office and the police station were in the same area and before I got to the post/station, I woke up.

Any dream interpreters? Cos im seeing lotsa similarities.

Onto another topic, I dissected a rat like 3 weeks ago. Ugh! I had to skin in and tear the skin out, that’s after pinning the rat faced up onto my chopping board. And then I had to dig around to locate the pancreas and liver and blah blah. Later we had to extract the entire alimentary canal out and measure the intestines.

Next term we'll b dissecting a sheep's heart, and after that, a bull's eye ball.

Yes, I am still doing biology. Don’t think I can forget you geik cheng.

Other updates:
im going to Giselle!!!!!!! Omgomgomg.
I still cant decide if im happy with my dance partner (for sch musical)
Ive got an urge to take up ballroom dance
I bought a push up bra
I watched Take the Lead and was disappointed.
10 more days till I go back to sg!
which means 10 more days before I see elsa, my bro and dad and sis and all my beloved friends, eat my fav food and cut my disgustingly long hair at far east plaza, go to sentosa, go clubbing, go shopping, wearing skimpy clothes ( I cant do that here, freezing my tits off at 14degrees)
I quite horse riding

How could have forgotten about that forsaken riding instructor of mine who forced me to quite riding. I have been tryin to tolerate her style of teaching which consist of screaming, cursing and insulting students, and telling myself its not personal and that if I want to be a rider, a good one, I need someone like her to push me. not long after that I started to dread sat mornings and having to go for class. But the breaking point came one sat when she kept asking me for a 'bend right' but my horse kept bending left and no matter how I tried to pull my right rein it didn’t work. I thought that if I calmed down and explain to her that im trying but it isn’t working, she tell me nicely what I can do better. She replied saying that I wasn’t even pulling my right rein at all, not doing anything, just sitting there bobbing around. My right arm from my fingers all the way to my shoulder blade was hurting form pulling. I resented that she did not even recognise my effort. That was it. after the class, I walked straight up to her and said;" alex wynmalen, ur teaching style SUCKS and ur basically a shit for insulting all ur students telling them their 'shit' and to get their 'rotten hands' back at the saddle, you have made me hate riding, something used to love. You should try some understanding and reasoning that miracles canNOT happen in the arena and rome wasn’t built in a day, I cant turn into a super rider over night. Therefore, ur SACKED! GET OUTTA MY SIGHT!'

Unfortunately I was too chicken..(she actually scares me) .. so the convo went more like this, 'hey lex! I donnt know when Ill next be riding cos I got exams now and after that im going back to Singapore.. so.. yeah..(what? It was the truth)..but when I next want to ride ill give you a call (over my dead body).."

And thats is how Lynn Woo stopped riding after 6 years.

About the push up bra.. ok, you might not be able to believe this, I went from 'well endowed' to 'nothing much' since I left sg and came here. I am a victim under the influence of what I see everyday at school. So I went to a shopping centre to try to look to a push up. I found 3. the first one didn’t really fit me well.. the second one was really a good push up bra, too good that when I wore it, I looked like some freak with weirdly large boobs, the last one was not so 'in ur face' so I bought that one. Now I regret it cos it doesn’t really push up that much, so it doesn’t make much of a different.

List of things I want to eat when I get home, from top most priority":
the noodles opp Mustafa shopping centre
xo fish head noodles at Holland v/west coast
long john!!!!!!!!!
tom yum and soft shell crab at Hyatt
five star/boon tong kee chicken rice
jiam pong from taka food court
jap spicy noodle from westmall foodcrtlaksa from westmall foodcrt.