Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a healthy dose of

Let me begin this entry with a complaint:

I went for an excursion to another school today. On the consent from, it said for students to wear "winter uniform". And that was exactly what I wore. My winter skirt, long sleeve shirt, tie and jumper. When I reached the destination and alighted the bus with my friends, the teacher-in-charge goes: 'WHO IS THAT WITHOUT A BLAZER?'
'It's me, I didn’t know we had to wear our blazers'
'It was said on the form! Whenever we go for an excursion, we wear our blazers'
'this is my first excursion so I didn’t know "winter uniform" automatically meant plus blazers'
'O, so you're new. Alright, I forgive you, but next time, don't do it again'

like what the hell? That was my first unpleasant encounter with a teacher here. Like what the fuck do they call blazers in summer? Purple overalls? Eggplant suits? Seriously! (we actually do wear blazers for occasions in summer)

My life has been pretty busy so far. Mostly dancing and moving house. Nothing much to write about except…

I now have become what hanafi used to be: a drifter. Hanafi was always drifting from one grp of friends to another and never had the One grp of friends. Well, I have only been here for a term and a half so I don’t expect anything. There are definitely some good points to being a drifter.

O, and the excursion I went to was the most boring-est thing ever! But my English teacher, ms taylor (the one who made coffee for me) was so excited about it. when we went back to sch at the end she was like "wasn't that fantastic?" she was so happy I couldn’t bear to break her heart so I said :"yeah!!"
Talk about farce.

im so starved for porn. i used to get a healthy dose of it. but since my new house does not have a computer/internet connection, i have to rely on my school laptop, which is secured. the compensation is tt i have a new tv in my room, n i can watch blue french films late into the night. even when its not interesting i force myself to watch it just because. because im been deprived for 4 years in SIngapore, n because i cant get it on the net.